BAM Women

Women of all ages, seeking to flourish where we have been planted, desiring to bring forth fruit in and out of season.

We are everyday women from different walks of life who are learning to live from places of surrender to the Lord. We are your mothers and daughters, single, married, widowed, and divorced, sisters, and friends, old and young living this one life together.

The backdrop of BAM women is simple, we are expressions of God’s grace with our individual journeys intertwined through shared sorrows and heartache, laughter, and joy. Our fellowship is precious and meaningful as we encourage, support, and build one another up in both practical and spiritual ways. It’s our desire to see this flow beyond our church family and to other communities of women.

Loved by our Saviour we seek truth from his word, through prayer, bible studies, teaching, home visits, social activities, mini retreats, and day trips. we desire to be transformed by the renewing of our minds with shared experiences, offering truth, love, and care through our response as we prayerfully lay down our lives in relationship to one another.

Our vision…. To see women, flourish through him, for him, together.

BAM Women

What We Believe

We believe in the One eternal God, infinite in power, holy in nature.

BAM Leaders

Thank you for stopping by to find out more about what we do and who we are as a leadership team here at Bethel Apostolic Ministries.

Teachings & Discipleship

We regularly offer scripture-based courses on a range on topics which are both beneficial and relevant to the times we live.

BAM Youth

BAM Youth caters for children of all ages ranging from toddler to teenager.

BAM Brothers

Building the Whole Man, Body Mind and Spirit through fellowship, prayer, and teaching